The Culture of Christ Church 

Commitments reflect shared values, priorities, and goals within a group or community, and they guide behaviors, decisions, and interactions. When individuals and groups uphold certain commitments, they contribute to the formation of cultural norms, expectations, and practices that define the identity and character of that community. Over time, consistent adherence to these commitments solidifies cultural patterns and influences the overall ethos and atmosphere within the group. Here are the six commitments of Christ Church. 

Our Commitments

To biblical orthodoxy

We believe that scripture is relevant today and addresses every issue of the human experience. We reject ideas or practices which seek to undermine traditional Christian values. We uphold the perfect witness of scripture regarding sex, gender and gender roles, marriage, the sanctity of human life, and so much more. We stand as one link in a long chain of saints and we seek to hold fast to important truths that the church has always stood for. We are not interested in re-branding the Christian faith. Liberal approaches to theology and morality are not welcome here at Christ Church. 

To Christian Liberty

Where scripture binds us we must obey, but where it is silent we must also be silent. We cannot force our opinions on others as if they are God's laws or requirements. So when it comes to food or drink, music or entertainment, family life or family rules, we cannot carve into stone those things that are indifferent. We do not want to be overly ambitious in our freedoms, but if we are using our liberties for the purposes that God intended for them, then we are truly free in practicing things indifferent. 

to fellowship

Fellowship is more than spending time with people you love. Fellowship is a matter of Christian duty and obedience. We are commanded to admonish, help, encourage, and be patient with everyone within our congregation (1 Thessalonians 5:14). The man or woman who frequently neglects the fellowship of their church is in serious danger! They are removed and separated from the safety which exits within a church fellowship. We encourage and provide ways for our members to be in fellowship regularly and view frequent fellowship as a mark of a healthy church. 

To Authority

Scripture teaches that God has ordained various spheres of authority, including familial, ecclesiastical, and civil authorities, each with distinct roles and responsibilities. Within the family, God has established parents as the primary authority figures, tasked with nurturing, guiding, and instructing their children in accordance with His Word. In the church, Christ is recognized as the head, and pastors and elders are appointed to shepherd and oversee the spiritual well-being of the congregation. In civil society, governing authorities are instituted by God to promote justice, maintain order, and uphold the common good. The rejection of God's divine order has resulted in chaos and leads to the breakdown of essential social institutions, resulting in harm to individuals and communities. At Christ Church we reject ideas that seek to overthrow God ordained authority. 

To Restoring Culture

We believe that the spread of the gospel and the influence of Christian principles will gradually permeate and transform every aspect of culture, including art, literature, education, politics, and social norms. We see cultural engagement as a means of fulfilling the Great Commission, working toward the establishment of God's kingdom on earth. At Christ Church we advocate for Christian involvement in various spheres of society, aiming to infuse them with biblical values and principles. We view cultural endeavors, such as education, the arts, and governance, as opportunities to advance the kingdom of God and promote righteousness. While we do acknowledge the presence of sin and brokenness in human culture, we maintain hope in the transformative power of the gospel to redeem and renew all aspects of society, ultimately leading to a flourishing civilization.

To prayer, rejoicing, and thanksgiving

1 Thessalonians 5:16-18 underscores the transformative impact of prayer, rejoicing, and thanksgiving in the life of the believer, and as result, in the life of the church. These practices cultivate a deeper intimacy with God, strengthen faith, and foster a spirit of gratitude and joy that transcends circumstances. The faithful practice of these virtues acknowledge God's goodness and faithfulness in all circumstances and contribute to the edification and unity of the body of Christ. At Christ Church we strive to practice these virtues without ceasing, seeking to be a church full of life and joy!